
These 10 Workplace Trends in 2023 Will Change How Business Is Done

The workplace has seen significant changes in the last few years. The rise in remote work, the proliferation of Zoom meetings, and mass employee burnout are all ways the workplace has transformed during and post Covid. Work, as we once knew it, has changed forever. 

As we turn our focus to the years ahead, however, we see several positive changes on the horizon. We predict the office trends of 2023 will focus on technology, transformations in employee relationships, and a shift in how productivity is viewed. 

The Top 10 Workplace Trends in 2023

People want to build on the new foundation of a modern workplace, both in its technical and human elements. 

In creating this list of top 2023 workplace trends, we examined data and combed through experts’ opinions, paying careful attention to how these changes will affect trends in the future of work. 

Read on to learn more.

1. Remote Work Is Here to Stay

The pandemic forced many industries to change how they do business, giving rise to the need for a remote workforce. Now, three years later, public disputes have erupted between employees and employers around returning to the office. 

Employees don’t want to lose the freedom and work-life balance remote work has offered. Eighty-seven percent of employees will take a remote work opportunity regardless of industry, demographics, location, or occupation. 

Remote work is no longer a benefit, but a requirement for many employees, and they’ll leave their current job to find a job with remote work opportunities. 

What this means for 2023:

Companies will have a wider pool of candidates to choose from.

Virtual offices are going to be as common as physical offices.

Employers will lose valuable talent if they force back-to-office protocols.

2. Gen Z Is Changing the Way We Work

Gen Z is entering the workforce in vast numbers, shaking the foundation of how offices function. Instead of technological advancements, Gen Z employees focus on the human element of work. 

They want:

Communication: Gen Z wants more interactions with management, including performance evaluations and appreciation for a job well done.

Clarity: They want to know what’s expected of them and what the company stands for.

Community: Gen Z wants to know who they’re working with, which could translate into the need for more team-building exercises. They also want to work for companies that share their personal values.

What this means for 2023:

Traditional company hierarchies may diminish.

Company transparency and authenticity will increase.

3. Employees Will Demand More from Employers

The Great Resignation of 2022 saw millions quitting their jobs every month. While this movement has slowed, the reasons behind the resignations haven’t. Employees want better benefits, higher pay, and respect from management. They also want remote work opportunities.

What this means for 2023:

Due to labor shortages, employees will still have the upper hand in negotiating better benefits.

Companies need to get creative to entice employees to stay or join.

4. Diversity Is a Primary Focus

Diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives have been on the rise for many years as people demand more inclusive workplaces. But in 2023, it’ll be a primary focus for companies. As mentioned, Gen Z is becoming a greater part of the workforce and will insist on more diverse workplaces. 

Seventy-two percent of employees ages 18 to 34 said they would reject a job offer or leave their position if they didn’t think management supported DEI initiatives. These initiatives are also important for employees aged 35 to 44, with 63% saying they would also leave. 

Remote work will remain a standard for some industries because underrepresented groups prefer working remotely—86% of Hispanic, 81% of Asian, and 81% of Black employees want a hybrid or fully remote arrangement. This is compared to 75% of White employees. 

Having a remote-friendly company also allows more opportunities for those with physical disabilities that prevent them from working in or commuting to a physical office. 

What this means for 2023:

DEI initiatives will have to be at the forefront of companies' goals. 

Companies will need to learn how to make opportunities more accessible.

The look of a “typical” workforce is going to change drastically.

5. 4-Day Workweek Experiment

There have long been whispers of a four-day workweek, but now it may become a reality. Not only has it become a popular topic of conversation among employees, but studies are proving it could benefit businesses. 

A study was conducted in America and Ireland with 903 employees of a variety of participating companies. Only 495 employees responded to the study’s survey, but the study is a glimpse of what the future could look like.

Employees in this study said they feel they have better control over their schedules, higher productivity levels, and a better sense of their performance. Overall employee well-being also increased. 

Seventy-seven of the companies said they’re going to keep the four-day workweek for a trial run. 

What this means for 2023: 

Streamlining schedules will become more common.

The 4-day workweek may become a recruitment tool.

The meaning of a productive week may change.

6. Increase in Upskilling and Reskilling

Companies are going to be investing more in their current employees instead of hiring outside help. Employees want better learning and growth opportunities—in fact, around 83% of employees say improving their skills is their top priority, and 74% of employees will leave if there aren’t skill-building opportunities. 

What this means for 2023: 

Companies will create more learning and development opportunities for employees.

When hiring, employers will look at what skills a new candidate can bring to the team.

7. Companies Trying to Cut Costs

This 2023 workplace trend is not new—both employers and employees are feeling the effects of inflation, and with a potential recession on the horizon, companies are looking to cut costs. This can mean employment freezes, layoffs, or other cost-saving methods. 

What this means for 2023:

Companies need to budget creatively, such as removing the need for physical offices.

There could be a continuation of labor shortages and supply issues.

8. Focus on Culture

Employees value the role their employers play in society and the world. Employees, especially Gen Z and Millennials (nearly 80% of them), want companies that have the same values, politics, and ethics as them. 

Younger employees also want more meaningful relationships with those they work with, both in person and remotely. With remote work becoming more common, companies are focused on building company culture among all levels of employees. 

What this means for 2023:

Companies need to create more team-building opportunities.

Business and personal ethics are mixing more now than ever.

9. New Ways to Communicate and Connect

While Slack and Zoom have been great communication tools for the last couple of years, it’s time for more technologically advanced ways for employers and employees to communicate. Virtual reality (VR) is believed to be the best communication tool for 2023. VR would allow all employees, remote or in person, to connect in the same immersive way. 

What this means for 2023: 

How employers and employees connect to each other is changing.

There may be tremendous advances in communication technology.

10. Focus on Sustainability

Sustainability is more than just a trendy phrase. It’s now a requirement for many consumers. Environmental issues have become a priority for many CEOs. In fact, environmental issues jumped up to ninth place in a Gartner poll among 400 business leaders. In 2020, it was in the 13th position. 

What this means for 2023:

Companies want to lower their carbon footprint.

Consumers will show loyalty to sustainable companies.

2023 Will Change Office Trends and the Future of Work: Are You Ready?

The way companies are run is expected to change dramatically in 2023. Workplace trends will look to improve the relationship between employers and employees by loosening rigid hierarchy structures. Experts predict the number of remote offices will rise because of concerns related to business budgets and employee retention. 

Gen Z employees are also likely to continue to demand changes in culture and leadership, resulting in new opportunities for all employees. 

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