Davinci Gives Back: May Charity - Rape Recovery Center
The mission of the Rape Recovery Center is to empower those victimized by sexual violence through advocacy, crisis interventions, and therapy and to educate the community about the cause, impact, and prevention of sexual violence. Our philosophy is that every person victimized by sexual violence is treated with dignity and respect and is empowered to work toward recovery.
Our guiding values:
• We uphold the highest professional conduct and are accountable to our clients, colleagues, partners, donors, and the greater community.
• We recognize the disproportionate impact of sexual violence on marginalized communities and strive to provide services that are responsive to individual identities. This includes, but is not limited to: race, ethnicity, gender identity, language, nationality, immigration status, age, physical and mental ability, sexuality, socioeconomic status, and faith.
• We actively work towards centering the voices of marginalized communities through diversity in our staff, board, and volunteers.
• We believe in social justice and proactively work to address systemic oppression with the goal of better serving survivors.
• We are dedicated to developing community alliances to better serve people affected by sexual violence and work toward its elimination.
• We provide information and education designed to improve the understanding of the causes and prevention of sexual assault.
• We work toward the day when sexual violence is part of history, rather than a part of our daily lives.
For the month of May, Davinci donated money to the Rape Recovery Center. These donations support the costs associated with them providing crisis services, clinical services, and community education and outreach.